Something awesome happened today. The super-special-awesome Sophie has bestowed upon me the Liebster Blog Award. It’s basically a badge of love given to 5 blogs with 200 followers or less. It’s a great feeling to know that there are people out there who genuinely enjoy reading my food-loving and occasionally-incoherent posts. So I think I’ll join in and share my top five blogs.
The Rules:
1. Thank the Liebster who awarded me.
2. Link back to their blog.
3. Copy and paste award on my blog.
4. Reveal my top 5 Liebster blogs.
5. Let them know you chose them by leaving a comment on their blog.
And so, my 5 Liebster Blog Awards goes to:
Grab Your Fork – Helen doesn’t quite fit the bill for this award, being super duper popular and all. But it’s impossible for me not to include her, as her blog is the first food blog I’ve ever read, and it has played a huge part in shaping me into the foodie that I am today.
Tummyrumbles – possibly the first bona fide Melbourne food blog, and certainly the first one I’ve followed religiously. Posting has slowed down a little these days, but it doesn’t stop me from trawling their extensive archives in my spare time
Eat And Be Merry, For Tomorrow We Die(t) – a huge collection of reviews of the Melbourne food scene, Eat And Be Merry has always been a great source of information when I’m trying to decide where to have my next meal.
I’m so Hungree – gorgeous photos and gorgeous reviews (and the occasional recipe) by gorgeous Ashley. Need I say more?
Miss Adriennely – another amazing food blog that I’ve spent countless hours reading. All her recipes have been absolutely drool-tastic.
=) Thank you for your love!
You’re very welcome, keep up the good work! :)