The Exchange, Darling Square
Haymarket, NSW 2000
$90 for a food court meal for two may sound like a joke in poor taste, but I assure you, it is very real. But in Simulation Senpai’s defence, we’re talking 9+ marble score wagyu with sea urchin, whole lobsters, and the fanciest chirashi-don you will ever see. The quality of the ingredients is second-to-none, but the portions are definitely on the more delicate side. If you just can’t hack the splurge however (complete understandable and frankly rather sensible), you can always just hit up Fish Bowl located 40 metres away.
Rating: 12.5/20 – it’s worth it if you think it’s worth it.
Hot tip: Bring money. Lots of it.

Hoseki Bako ($55)
K was felled by decision paralysis when I first showed him the menu at Simulation Senpai, but I am proud to say that I am made of sterner stuff. After some careful deliberation, I settled upon the Hoseki Bako ($55) – a meticulously arranged serving of the freshest sashimi on a pearly bed of sushi rice. If you’re keen on raw fish, this won’t disappoint. Every bit of seafood is restaurant quality, the riot of textures and flavours ranging from buttery scallop to sticky prawn, and even a piece of the richest wagyu.

Unagi Tamagoyaki Don ($35)
If you don’t like your fish raw, the Unagi Tamagoyaki Don ($35) is a good choice. You know those super sad eel dishes where you get a couple bits of fatty offcuts? Well this ain’t it. You get not one, but who enormous fillets of succulent eel, brushed with a gently sweet glaze that allows the smoky richness of the fish to shine. And to round out the protein fest, a fluffy Japanese-style egg omelette.
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