Gami Chicken And Beer

100 Lt Lonsdale St Melbourne 3000
Melbourne, 3000
Romeo and Juliet. Elizabeth and Mr Darcy (*swoon*). Fried Chicken and Beer. What do all of these have in common? They’re all perfect for each other!
Gami Chicken and Beer is exactly what its name claims to be. A no-nonsense place selling delicious fried chicken and jugs of house beer. There is also a small selection of Korean dishes for those odd souls that don’t like fried feathery animals.
The interior was simple but nice enough, and the waiters extremely friendly and helpful. It was also my first experience of accidental camera flash in a restaurant, which was extremely awkward. And because the lighting was so dim, my pictures turned out yucky, so there won’t be many of them today.
10 Original Chicken Wings ($10)
As opposed to going for a whole or half chicken (which you can get in original, sweet chilli, or sweet soy garlic), we went for 10 Original Wings($12) instead. And all I really have to say is, someone in the back of this restaurant REALLY knows how to use a deep fryer. The skin was earth-shatteringly crispy, and the chicken was possibly the juiciest I’ve ever tasted. The chicken also came with a side of cabbage salad covered in tomato sauce and mayo (I have issues with raw cabbage and Chris has issues with vegetables and sauces, so we didn’t touch that), as well as a dipping sauce (kinda sweet), and pickled daikon (delicious!).
Corn Cheese ($8)
 We also ordered their other signature dish – Corn Cheese ($8). It came in an adorable little cast iron pan that I loved, and it was pretty much what the name said it was. Corn mixed in with mayo, baked with a cheesy crust on top. And what everyone has said about this dish was right; the first bite didn’t blow us away, yet we found ourselves going back for seconds… then thirds… then fourths… and before you know it, all of it was gone! Just make sure you eat it before it gets cold though, because then it becomes not so nice. We all know what luke-warm mayonnaise tastes like.
There are also a few other traditional dishes on the menu, but don’t ask me how they are – I doubt anyone knows. Everyone just comes here for the delicious delicious chicken.
Rating: 15/20 – Match Made In Heaven

Gami on Urbanspoon

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